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Welcome to the official documentation site for the 4-H Record Books project! This site is designed to help you learn how to use the 4-H Record Books system.

What is the 4-H Record Books project?

4-H Record Books is a web application that allows 4-H members to log and generate their Record Books online. The system provides a user-friendly interface for members to enter their information, set goals, and track their progress throughout the year. Once the Record Book is complete, members can generate a PDF version to print and submit to their 4-H club.

What are Record Books?

4-H Record Books are a way for 4-H members to track their activities, events, and experiences throughout the year. Members can use Record Books to set goals, reflect on their experiences, and showcase their accomplishments. Record Books are a valuable tool for 4-H members to learn about goal setting, time management, and record keeping.

How to use this documentation

This documentation site is organized into several sections to help you learn how to use the 4-H Record Books system. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Use the sidebar on the left to navigate between different sections of the documentation.
  • Start with the Getting Started section to learn how to create an account and navigate the app.
  • If you have any questions or need help, feel free to reach out to the 4-H Record Books team for assistance.