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Developer Intro

Welcome to the developer docs for the 4-H Record Books project!

About the project

The 4-H Record Books project is a NextJS web application which aids 4-H members in creating and submitting their record books. If you are new to the project, we recommend starting with the project Public Documentation, which provides an overview of the project and its features. If you are also unfamiliar with 4-H, you can learn more about the organization on the OSU 4-H extention service website.

Version Control

The project is hosted on GitHub and uses Git for version control. A GitHub organization was created to house the repositories for the project. The organization is called Oregon State 4-H. The main public repository for the project is Record Books. The documentation for the project is hosted in a separate private repository called Record Books Docs. Although the documentation repository is private, the pages are deployed publicly. See Deployment for more information.

Tech Stack

The project is built using the following technologies:

See the Tech Stack section for more information on the technologies used in the project.


The current version of the project a prototype and is not yet ready for production use. Demos of the project have been deployed to Vercel and Azure, and can be accessed at the following URLs:

See the Deployment section for more information on how to deploy the project.

About these docs

What are theses docs?

These docs are a collection of guides, tutorials, and references for the 4-H Record Books project. They are intended to help developers understand the project and contribute to it.

How to use these docs

These docs are organized into sections, each of which covers a different aspect of the project. You can navigate between sections using the sidebar on the left.

If you're new to the project, we recommend starting with the Public Documentation, which provides an overview of the project and its features.

Contributing to these docs

To keep internal documentation hidden to the public eye, the 4-H Record Books docs are hosted on a private GitHub repository within the Oregon State 4-H organization. To contribute to these docs, clone the Record Books Docs repo.