📄️ Overview
Record Books uses react-pdf to generate PDF reports. The reports are generated based on the data stored in the application and are used to provide a printable version of the data. The report components define templates for the reports the application supports. The reports can be found in the src/app/components/reports directory. In the following sections, we will discuss the various reports used in the Record Books application.
📄️ Generic Components
To keep reports consistent, we have created a set of generic components that can be used across all reports. These components are used to provide a consistent look and feel across the application. Generic components can be found in the src/app/components/reports directory. In the following sections, we will discuss the various generic components used in the Record Books application.
📄️ Resume
The 4-H Resume is a report that provides a summary of the user's 4-H experience. The resume includes information about the user's projects, awards, and leadership roles. The resume is generated based on the data stored in the application and is used to provide a printable version of the user's 4-H experience.