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The 4-H Resume is a tool that allows 4-H members to document their achievements and experiences in 4-H and other organizations. The resume is a valuable resource for 4-H members as they apply for scholarships, college admissions, and jobs. The resume is also a great way for 4-H members to reflect on their accomplishments and set goals for the future.


The 4-H Resume is divided into 14 sections, each of which focuses on a different aspect of a 4-H member's involvement and achievements. The sections are as follows:

  1. 4-H Involvement Summary
  2. 4-H Project/Program Summary
  3. Participation in 4-H Activities/Events
  4. Participation in Other Community Activities/Events
  5. Leadership in 4-H
  6. Leadership in Other Organizations
  7. Citizenship/Community Service in 4-H
  8. Other Citizenship/Community Service Participation
  9. Communications in 4-H
  10. Communications in Other Organizations
  11. Participation in 4-H Contests/Competitions
  12. Participation in Other Contests/Competitions
  13. 4-H Recognition
  14. Other Recognition

Exporting Your Resume

The 4-H Resume can be exported as a PDF from the My Resume page or from an individual section page. This allows 4-H members to easily share their resume with others, such as scholarship committees, college admissions officers, and potential employers.

Note: Exporting from an individual section page will only export the content of that section, while exporting from the My Resume page will export the entire resume.


For more information on how to export your resume, see the Reports section of the Getting Started guide.