The 4-H Resume is divided into 14 sections, each of which focuses on a different aspect of a 4-H member's involvement and achievements. In this section, we will provide an overview of each section and explain what information should be included in each section.
4-H Involvement Summary
The 4-H Involvement Summary section is used to summarize a 4-H member's involvement in 4-H clubs and activities. This section should include information about the 4-H member's club membership and participation in club meetings.
Section 1 should include the following information:
- The year in which the activities took place
- The grade level of the 4-H member
- The name of the 4-H club
- The number of members in the club
- The name of the club leader
- The number of club meetings held
- The number of club meetings attended
4-H Project/Program Summary
The 4-H Project/Program Summary section is used to summarize a 4-H member's participation in 4-H projects and programs. This section should include information about the 4-H member's involvement in specific projects and programs.
Section 2 should include the following information:
- The year in which the activities took place
- The name of the project or program
- The scope of the project or program
Participation in 4-H Activities/Events
The Participation in 4-H Activities/Events section is used to document a 4-H member's participation in 4-H activities and events. This section should include information about the 4-H member's involvement in specific activities and events.
Section 3 should include the following information:
- The year in which the activities took place
- The type of activity or event
- What the 4-H member learned from the activity or event
- The level of the activity or event
Participation in Other Community Activities/Events
The Participation in Other Community Activities/Events section is used to document a 4-H member's participation in activities and events outside of 4-H. This section should include information about the 4-H member's involvement in community activities and events.
Section 4 should include the following information:
- The year in which the activities took place
- The type of activity or event
- The scope of the activity or event
- The level of the activity or event
Leadership in 4-H
The Leadership in 4-H section is used to document a 4-H member's leadership roles within 4-H. This section should include information about the 4-H member's leadership roles and responsibilities.
Section 5 should include the following information:
- The year in which the activities took place
- The type of leadership role
- The number of hours spent in the leadership role
- The number of people reached through the leadership role
Leadership in Other Organizations
The Leadership in Other Organizations section is used to document a 4-H member's leadership roles in organizations outside of 4-H. This section should include information about the 4-H member's leadership roles and responsibilities in other organizations.
Section 6 should include the following information:
- The year in which the activities took place
- The name of the organization
- The type of leadership role
- The number of hours spent in the leadership role
Citizenship/Community Service in 4-H
The Citizenship/Community Service in 4-H section is used to document a 4-H member's citizenship and community service activities within 4-H. This section should include information about the 4-H member's community service activities.
Section 7 should include the following information:
- The year in which the activities took place
- The type of community service activity
- The number of hours spent on the activity
- The number of people reached through the activity
Other Citizenship/Community Service Participation
The Other Citizenship/Community Service Participation section is used to document a 4-H member's citizenship and community service activities outside of 4-H. This section should include information about the 4-H member's community service activities in other organizations.
Section 8 should include the following information:
- The year in which the activities took place
- The type of community service activity
- The number of hours spent on the activity
- The number of people reached through the activity
Communications in 4-H
The Communications in 4-H section is used to document a 4-H member's communication activities within 4-H. This section should include information about the 4-H member's communication activities.
Section 9 should include the following information:
- The year in which the activities took place
- The type of communication activity
- The topic of the communication activity
- The number of times the activity was given
- The location of the activity
- The size of the audience
Communications in Other Organizations
The Communications in Other Organizations section is used to document a 4-H member's communication activities in organizations outside of 4-H. This section should include information about the 4-H member's communication activities in other organizations.
Section 10 should include the following information:
- The year in which the activities took place
- The type of communication activity
- The topic of the communication activity
- The number of times the activity was given
- The location of the activity
- The size of the audience
Participation in 4-H Contests/Competitions
The Participation in 4-H Contests/Competitions section is used to document a 4-H member's participation in contests and competitions within 4-H. This section should include information about the 4-H member's participation in specific contests and competitions.
Section 11 should include the following information:
- The year in which the activities took place
- The name of the contest or competition
- The level of the contest or competition
- Any ribbons or placings received
Participation in Other Contests/Competitions
The Participation in Other Contests/Competitions section is used to document a 4-H member's participation in contests and competitions outside of 4-H. This section should include information about the 4-H member's participation in contests and competitions in other organizations.
Section 12 should include the following information:
- The year in which the activities took place
- The name of the contest or competition
- The recognition received
- The level of the contest or competition
4-H Recognition
The 4-H Recognition section is used to document any recognition received by a 4-H member within 4-H. This section should include information about the 4-H member's recognition.
Section 13 should include the following information:
- The year in which the recognition was received
- The type of recognition received
Other Recognition
The Other Recognition section is used to document any recognition received by a 4-H member outside of 4-H. This section should include information about the 4-H member's recognition in other organizations.
Section 14 should include the following information:
- The year in which the recognition was received
- The type of recognition received